Label Street Manufacturing District Nomination
The Label Street Manufacturing district is identified in the nomination report (linked below) as the three tax parcels along Label Street, comprising 16 Label Street, 18 Label Street, and 6-10 Erie Street.

These parcels are located in the Walnut Street Business District, a Potential Historic District as identified in the Historic Preservation Element of the Master Plan(PDF, 35MB). The three parcels in question are being nominated to become a Local Landmark District, where the Historic Preservation Commission has purview over exterior changes visible from public places.
The Label Street Manufacturing District nomination will be discussed by the Historic Preservation Commission at their March 9, 2023 regularly scheduled meeting. All interested parties are welcome to attend. Click here for the HPC agenda page.
At the hearing, the HPC will vote on a resolution making a recommendation to Township Council. The nomination will be referred to the Planning Board for comment prior to Council's consideration and vote. Planning Board and Township Council meeting dates where this matter will be discussed are TBD as of 7/18/2023.
Click here to download the Label Street Manufacturing District Nomination Report(PDF, 15MB)
Protest from Property Owner, 34 Label Street Associates:
Response Letter from HPC Preservation Consultant, Connolly & Hickey Historical Architects:
For more information and for questions, please contact the Assistant Planner, Zainab Kazmi by phone or email. 973-509-4955 |