Land Use Boards & Commissions
The Department of Planning & Community Development provides staff support to four Boards, Committees or Commissions, tasked with land use, development and historic preservation review. Below are the four Boards, Committees or Commissions staffed by the Department. Additional information, including meeting schedules is available on the respective Board, Committee or Commission web page.
The Department has prepared an overview of the land use boards, committees and commissions and respective applications, titled "Understanding Montclair Land Use Boards and Applications."(PDF, 606KB) The overview details the responsibilities of the land use boards, committees and commissions and their role in the review process.
Development Review Committee
The Development Review Committee reviews all site plan applications or requests for development review presented to the Planning Board and the Board of Adjustment. The Committee also grants approval of Minor Site Plan applications without any variances.
Historic Preservation Commission
The Historic Preservation Commission is responsible for protecting Montclair's architectural heritage and increasing public awareness of the unique historical and cultural dimensions of the Township's buildings, streetscapes and landscapes.
Planning Board
The Planning Board is a land use board tasked with preparation of the Township Master Plan, review of Applications for Development for site plan and subdivision approval, make recommendations to the Township Council on any proposed changes to the land use ordinance, and grant conditional use or bulk variances in association with subdivision and site plan applications.
Zoning Board of Adjustment
The Zoning Board of Adjustment is a land use board empowered with principal duties to hear appeals, to grant variances from the strict application of the zoning ordinance and to rule on "use" applications.