Dog & Cat Licenses
Cat and dog licenses are provided by the Office of Vital Statistics in the Department of Health and Human Services:

Office of Vital Statistics
Montclair Department of Health and Human Services
Montclair Municipal Building
205 Claremont Avenue
Third Floor
Montclair, NJ 07042
Phone number: 973-509-4973
Dog and cat license forms available for download:
Dog License form(PDF, 149KB)
Cat License Form(PDF, 93KB)
Please download the above form(s), fill out and send with copy of pet's current rabies certificate plus check or money order payment to:
Department of Health and Human Services
205 Claremont Avenue
Montclair, NJ 07042
The NJ State Health Department requires all cats and dogs to be licensed and vaccinated against rabies annually.
Montclair Animal Control Officers can also facilitate pet licensing while patrolling, during the course of a bite incident or animal complaint, or during the reclaim of a lost pet. License fees must be paid via check or money order only.
Dog Licenses: Renewed Every January
The fees are as follows:
Neutered/Spayed - $12.00
Non-neutered/Spayed - $15.00
Late Fee: $10.00 *
Lost Tag Fee: $1.00
*Late fee applicable if application is not received by March 1st of licensing year. A copy of a valid rabies certificate must be presented at time of licensing.
Cat Licenses: Renewed Every September
Fees are as follows:
Neutered Cats: $8.00
Senior Citizens Neutered Cats: $5.00
Non-neutered Cats: $11.00
Senior Citizens Non-neutered Cats: $8.00
Late Fee: $10.00 *
Lost Tag Fee: $1.00
*Late fee applicable if application is not received by November 1st of licensing year. A copy of a valid rabies certificate must be presented at time of licensing.
The Township of Montclair usually holds free rabies clinics at the animal shelter in February, May and September. Dates will be announced on the Township website and the animal shelter Facebook page HERE. Pet owners are responsible for keeping their pets current on vaccinations annually, should the Township's free rabies clinic(s) be delayed or cancelled, pet owners are required to maintain their pets' vaccinations as per NJ state law and Montclair local ordinances.