Historic Preservation Commission
Mayoral appointment. Members are required to file an annual financial disclosure statement pursuant to N.J.S. 40A:9-22.6.
The Montclair Historic Preservation Commission (MHPC), established by ordinance in 1994, is responsible for protecting Montclair's architectural heritage and increasing public awareness of the unique historical and cultural dimensions of the Township's buildings, streetscapes and landscapes. In accordance with the State Municipal Land Use Law, the commission surveys buildings, structures, objects, sites and districts located within the Township and researches and evaluates them for their historic significance. The commission proposes to the Township Council those properties it has found to be worthy of landmark designation and therefore subject to the Township's Historic Preservation Commission Ordinance.
The Commission also advises the Planning Board and the Township Council on all matters which have potential impact on the historic buildings, structures, objects, sites or districts in the Township or on the physical character and ambience of any portion of the Township or region.
Click here(PDF, 93KB)
for a matrix that identifies all of the review and advisory triggers for projects that appear before the Commission.

Click above to view an informational pamphlet about the HPC and its role, available for pickup at the Planning Department office.
The Department of Planning & Community Development provides all administrative support staffing to the Historic Preservation Commission.
View Montclair's Historic Resources in the Historic Inventory Viewer
There are currently:
- 4 locally landmarked historic districts: Town Center Historic District, Upper Montclair Historic District, the Pine Street Historic District, and Watchung Plaza.
- 64 individually designated landmarks.
- 6 National and State Registered Historic Districts, and numerous properties that have been determined eligible for listing on the those two registers
- 100 State Register listed sites
- 52 National Register listed sites
The Commission reviews and approves changes to properties within these districts and to all other local historic landmark properties. The Commission holds public hearings for this purpose once a month, every fourth Thursday in the Council Chambers on the first floor of the Municipal Building at 205 Claremont Avenue.
If you own or know of a building that you believe should be landmarked, please contact the Township representative at 973-509-4955 and we would be happy to assist in the process. If you own or have a business located within a locally landmarked property and would like to alter its appearance, please complete an Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness. For more information, please contact the Township at 973-509-4955.