Montclair Information
Latitude: 40.8244° N Longitude: 74.2124° W
According to the United States Census Bureau, as of the 2020 census, the Township has a population of 40,949 and a total area of 16.3 km2 (6.3 mi2).
Type of Government:
The Township of Montclair is governed under the Faulkner Act's Council-Manager form of municipal government. The elected governing body consists of the mayor, two councilor-at-large and a councilor representing each of Montclair's four wards. The council serves as the policy maker for the Township. The manager is appointed by the council and serves as the administrator.
Federal, State, County Representation
New Jersey is represented in the U.S. Senate by George Helmy (D) and George Helmy(D)
Montclair is split between the 10th and 11th Congressional Districts and is part of New Jersey's 27th state legislative district. The NJ 10th Congressional District is VACANT.
NJ 11th Congressional District represented by Mikie Sherrill (D, Montclair)
NJ Governor Phil Murphy (D)
NJ Senate 27th District represented by Senator John F. McKeon (D)
Assembly 27th District represented by Assemblywoman Rosaura "Rosy" Bagolie (D) and Assemblywoman Alixon Collazos-Gill (D)
Essex County Executive Joseph N. DiVincenzo, Jr. (D)
Essex County Board of Chosen Commissioners, District 5, Carlos M. Pomares (D)
Public: 1 High, 3 Middle, and 7 Elementary
Non-public: 2 High, 2 Combined Elementary-High, 6 Elementary
Special Education: 2
Montclair State University
Houses of Worship: 42
Library: Main (50 South Fullerton Ave.); Branch (185 Bellevue Avenue, Upper Montclair)
Firehouses: 3; Number of hydrants: 1,061
Montclair Ambulance Unit: 1
Hospital: HackensackUMC Mountainside (Bay and Highland Avenues)
Local Newspaper: The Montclair Times and Montclair Local (both published every Thursday)
Art Museum: 3 South Mountain Avenue
Movie Theaters: 1
Theaters: 1
Parks: Township - 153.86 acres; County - 123.76 acres
Public tennis courts: 17
Public swimming pools: 3
Skating rinks: Natural - 1, Indoor - 1
Shade trees: nearly 40,000
Streets: 97.7 miles (13.4 mi., County roads included)
Sewers: Sanitary - 104 mi; Storm - 42 mi
Water mains: 131.64 mi.
Railroad stations: 6
Municipal Parking lots: 20
Bus Lines: New Jersey Transit Bus, Box car Busses