Section II, Chapter 83 of the Montclair Township Code provides the Animal Shelter fee schedule for various services, including pet adoption, microchipping, impound fees, surrender fees and others.
Trap, Neuter and Return (TNR)
If you have a colony of feral cats in your Montclair neighborhood, we can help you manage the situation with Trap, Neuter and Return (TNR) as well as provide help and advice on exclusion techniques and proper cat colony care.
Watch the Alley Cat Allies educational video on Trap, Neuter Return.
In order to better assess the colony situation and develop a plan of action, we require that you first fill out our Feral Cat Colony Assessment Form or email and an Animal Control Officer will contact you.
Microchipping Your Cat or Dog
Microchipping increases the chances of lost pets being reunited with their owners. Montclair Animal Control offers microchipping for $20. The procedure takes less than a minute: a small chip is inserted below the skin of the pet and enables officials to find the pet owner faster.
Call Montclair Township Animal Control to learn more: 862-621-9113.