Online Parking Services
Single-use permits:

You can still conveniently purchase a permit online at a daily rate of $5 per permit. We have transitioned to a new parking permitting system, and to obtain a single use permit, you must now visit and setup an account.
This account will allow Montclair residents or visitors to register for the purchase either a single-use daily permit or multiple single use daily permits for themselves, visitors, guests, friends, or family.
Once acquired the permit will allow you to park in any municipal surface parking lot, in a space marked "Permit Parking Only" or in front of a resident's home until 8:00 a.m. the following morning.
Go to Montclair Parking Utility Online Permit Portal
Please note: Daily permits NO LONGER need to be physically displayed in the vehicle, your license plate serves as your permit.
Parking Questions?
Please contact the Montclair Parking Utility at 973-509-4997 or