Community Development Block Grants

Montclair annually receives approximately $320,000 in Community Development Block Grant funds. This fund is largely used for capital projects within eligible areas of the Township. Some of the funds are made available to non-profit organizations whose projects benefit primarily persons of low and moderate income such as substance abuse counseling and youth programs.

Applications for funding under HUD's 2024 CDBG program will be available on the Essex County Neighborly portal on or about Monday, October 23, 2023. Interested applicants should register on the portal using the following link: Neighborly Portal

A remote public hearing has been scheduled for Thursday, October 26, 2023 at 7:00 pm using Cisco WebEx Meetings. The public is welcome to participate in the hearing through the following link:

The meeting number is 2336 995 4502 and the password is ufS4hR4t3@$. Participants can also join the meeting by phone by dialing 1-408-418-9388 with the access code 2336 995 4502. Those interested in applying should attend. Completed applications are due in the Montclair Planning Department by noon on Monday, November 20, 2023. For additional information, call the Montclair Planning Department at (973) 509-4954 or e-mail