Commuter Area Survey
The Upper Montclair Commuter Area was primarily built between 1900 and 1929 and exhibits several distinct phases of housing development intended to accommodate Montclair’s significant commuter population. The area consists of two-to-three story single-family houses with large front porches built in a variety of traditional styles, including Queen Anne, Craftsman, and Colonial Revival. Houses within the area are characterized by their medium-sized lots, front yards, and siting on wide streets. The primary architectural materials in the area are wood, brick, stucco, and synthetic siding.
The Township of Montclair has contracted Connolly & Hickey Historical Architects to perform a survey of approximately 400 of the total 614 properties contained within this district, which is identified in the Historic Preservation Element of the Township's Master Plan(PDF, 35MB) . In the future, the remainder of the properties will be surveyed and added as a supplement to the resulting report.
Click here(PDF, 130KB) to download a list of all properties in the Commuter Area.
Click here(PDF, 111KB) to download a list of properties to be surveyed in 2022.
Survey work will entail photographing and note taking from the public right-of-way, i.e. from the street or other public places (plazas, parks, etc.). Survey work was completed in September 2022.
This effort is funded by a Certified Local Government Grant, administered by the New Jersey Historic Preservation Office.

The first map(PDF, 240KB) depicts the entirety of the Commuter Area Potential Historic District in the Historic Preservation Element of the Master Plan. The second map(PDF, 248KB) shows those properties to be included as part of the 2022 survey effort in blue, and those to be excluded for a future surveying effort in red.
Report(PDF, 14MB)
Property Surveys(PDF, 68MB)
Next Steps
The final survey and report will be sent to the State Historic Preservation Office. Surveyed properties will be notated on the Township's Historic Inventory Viewer, with a link to each individual survey form.
In a future survey effort, the remaining ("excluded") properties will be surveyed and the report and period of significance updated as necessary.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Montclair Department of Planning & Community Development:
Zainab Kazmi, Assistant Planner
Phone: 973-509-4955