

The Operations Division is headed by Deputy Chief of Police Wilhelm Young. Division responsibilities include Patrol, Investigation Division, Juvenile Aid Bureau, Detective Bureau, Narcotics Unit and Community Policing.


Contact Information:

Township of Montclair Police Department
647 Bloomfield Avenue
Montclair, NJ 07042
Phone: 973-744-1234


Patrol is under the command of Deputy Chief Wilhelm Young.

Patrol is the most recognizable part of the police department and has the most contact with residents and visitors of the township. The core mission of the patrol division is to provide for the delivery of uniform police services to the community during all hours. As the first responders to criminal complaints, patrol officers are responsible for seeing to the medical needs of anyone involved, interviewing witnesses, recognizing and preserving evidence, determining whether a crime has been committed and identifying and ultimately arresting those responsible.

Officers in the Patrol Division are expected to provide proactive services such as traffic enforcement, crime detection and suppression, conducting business and property checks, and initiating contacts with community members. These officers are also the front line of defense against terrorism.

Investigation Division

Division Commander: Deputy Chief Wilhelm Young

The Investigation Division is under the command of Deputy Chief Wilhelm Young, who oversees the Detective Bureau, the Juvenile Aid Bureau, the Vice Control Unit, and the Records and Identification Bureau.

Records and Identification Bureau

Records and Identification Bureau

Contact Information:
Lynnette Rivera, Principal Clerk
Montclair Police Department
647 Bloomfield Avenue
Montclair, NJ 07042
Phone: 973-744-1234
Records and Identification Bureau Commander: Sgt. Benjamin Campos

The Records and Identification Bureau is responsible for the classification and retention of all incident reports taken by the Montclair Police Department. This includes hundreds of thousands of incident reports, arrest reports, restraining orders, gun permits, fingerprint cards, and many other documents. In maintaining a centralized records system, it allows the Records Bureau to complete the Uniform Crime Report (UCR), process and maintain all Megan’s Law Offenders’ files, and maintain and file all gun permits and firearms identification cards.

The Records and Identification Bureau is also responsible for the filling of all Open Public Record Act requests (OPRA) involving police related issues and various licensing requirements that fall under either township ordinance or state law.

Besides report keeping, the detectives in this unit process crime scenes through the use of photography, latent fingerprint technology, and various other forensic processing. They are responsible for evidence collection and storage.

Juvenile Aid Bureau

Contact Information:
Township of Montclair Police Department
647 Bloomfield Avenue
Montclair, NJ 07042
Phone: 973-744-1234
Juvenile Aid Bureau Commander: Lieutenant Tyrone Williams

The Montclair Police Department Juvenile Aid Bureau is responsible for investigating all crimes committed by Juveniles under the age of 18 that occur within the township of Montclair. The Juvenile Aid Bureau is staffed with men and women who are specially trained to conduct criminal investigations as well as the interaction and mediation with the problems that youths may have.


The protection and rehabilitation of juveniles.

The identification of those youths at risk, and to provide an arena in which positive interaction can take place between youths, parents, school and take the police.

To preserve public peace, detect and arrest offenders while allowing rehabilitation and mediation for low risk offenders through the Juvenile Conference Committee (JCC).

Maintaining a constant meaningful and positive communication with the youth in order to develop cooperative relationships and facilitate leadership skills.


To decrease juvenile crime through education, enforcement, and identifying those individuals who would benefit from counseling and referrals.

To interact with parents so that they may take an active role in both mediation and communication.

To continue to build on the positive relationships that have developed between the police and the schools.

To reduce the recidivism rate of violent youthful offenders by taking a pro-active role in the investigation and prosecution of cases involving those who have continued offending

Narcotics Unit

Contact Information:
Township of Montclair Police Department
647 Bloomfield Avenue
Montclair, NJ 07042
Phone: 973-744-1234
Narcotics Unit Commander: Sergeant Charles Cunningham

The Montclair Police Narcotics Unit is responsible for investigating drug activity, prostitution, gambling and alcohol related offenses throughout the township. The unit conducts both covert and overt surveillance operations, street level narcotic operations and execute search warrants of suspected drug locations.

Members of this unit have been specially trained in drug recognition, surveillance techniques, raid operations and search and seizure laws. The Narcotics Unit is provided with information about drug activity by concerned citizens, anonymous sources, fellow police officers, and sometimes through informants.

If you have information concerning drug, gambling, prostitution, or alcohol related crimes, please contact the Narcotics Unit at 973-744-1234.

Detective Bureau

Contact Information:
Township of Montclair Police Department
647 Bloomfield Avenue
Montclair, NJ 07042
Phone: 973-744-1234
Detective Bureau Commander: Captain Scott Buehler

The Montclair Police Department Detective Bureau is responsible for investigating crimes committed by adults that occur within the township of Montclair. They handle the preparation for cases to be adjudicated in both Municipal and Superior Courts. As for investigations, the bureau contains specialized detectives for cases involving Domestic Violence, Cyber-Crime, Crime Analysis, and Arson Investigation.

The Detective Bureau coordinates with the Domestic Violence Response Team (DVRT), a group of volunteer residents who assist victims of domestic violence.