Edgemont Park House (290 Valley Road) is currently holding in person classes and scheduled club meetings for adults 55+ by reservation only.
To register for and to access all of our programming, including MILL classes, support groups and clubs, go to https://schedulesplus.com/montclair/kiosk/ OR call 973-744-3278 between 10am-3pm M-F to register by phone. *MILL (Montclair Institute for Lifelong Learning) Fitness classes require a weekly sign up and spots open 7 days in advance. We are once again welcoming drop-ins for information, a cup of coffee, lending library and socializing during business hours but please note that due to limited space, we ask that you check the calendar and plan to come outside the hours of our regularly scheduled programming unless you are registered for a class. Check out our newsletter, available digitally on the https://schedulesplus.com/montclair/kiosk/ site for more information including monthly trips or stop by and pick up a copy at Edgemont.
290 Valley Road Montclair , NJ 07042 Phone: 973.744.3278